

World uses the store tables, but adds access control. For onchain tables, the data is stored by the World contract, which is also a StoreData (opens in a new tab).

When a System reads or writes storage via table libraries, the request goes into StoreSwitch (opens in a new tab). This library decides which approach to use:

Interaction between the World, a System, and a table

  1. An account calls a function called namespace__function via the World. This function was registered by the owner of the namespace namespace and points to the function function in one of the Systems in the namespace namespace.

  2. The World verifies that access is permitted (for example, because namespace:system is publicly accessible) and if so calls function on the namespace:system contract with the provided parameters.

  3. At some point in its execution function decides to update the data in the table namespace:table. As with all other tables, this table is stored in the World's storage. To modify it, function calls a function on the World contract.

  4. The World verifies that access is permitted (by default it would be, because namespace:system has access to the namespace namespace). If so, it modifies the data in the namespace:table table.

Code samples

Reading from a table

Anybody connected to the blockchain can run the view functions that read table content.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.21;
import { Script } from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
import { StoreSwitch } from "@latticexyz/store/src/StoreSwitch.sol";
// Read and manipulate the Systems table
import { Systems, SystemsTableId } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/index.sol";
// The key is a ResourceId
import { ResourceId } from "@latticexyz/store/src/ResourceId.sol";
import { RESOURCE_SYSTEM } from "@latticexyz/world/src/worldResourceTypes.sol";
import { WorldResourceIdLib } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldResourceId.sol";
contract ReadTableInformation is Script {
  function run() external {
    // Load the world address and specify it as the Store address
    address worldAddress = vm.envAddress("WORLD_ADDRESS");
    // Table metainformation (field names)
    string[] memory keyNames = Systems.getKeyNames();
    string[] memory valueNames = Systems.getFieldNames();
    console.log("Key fields:");
    for (uint i = 0; i < keyNames.length; i++) {
      console.log("\t", i, keyNames[i]);
    console.log("Value fields:");
    for (uint i = 0; i < valueNames.length; i++) {
      console.log("\t", i, valueNames[i]);
    // Read information about the :AccessManagement System
    ResourceId accessManagementSystem = WorldResourceIdLib.encode(
      RESOURCE_SYSTEM, // System
      "", // Root namespace
      "AccessManagement" // Called AccessManagement
    (address systemAddress, bool publicAccess) = Systems.get(accessManagementSystem);
    console.log("The address for the :AccessManagement System:", systemAddress);
    console.log("Public access:", publicAccess);
import { StoreSwitch } from "@latticexyz/store/src/StoreSwitch.sol";

We need the StoreSwitch library (opens in a new tab) library to specify the address of the World with the data.

// Read and manipulate the Systems table
import { Systems, SystemsTableId } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/index.sol";

It is easiest if we import the definitions of the table that were generated using mud tablegen.

// The key is a ResourceId
import { ResourceId } from "@latticexyz/store/src/ResourceId.sol";
import { RESOURCE_SYSTEM } from "@latticexyz/world/src/worldResourceTypes.sol";
import { WorldResourceIdLib } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldResourceId.sol";

The key of the store:Tables table is the resource ID for the various tables. To read the information of a specific table later we need to create the appropriate resource ID.

contract ReadTableInformation is Script {
  function run() external {
    // Load the world address and specify it as the Store address
    address worldAddress = vm.envAddress("WORLD_ADDRESS");

StoreSwitch.setStoreAddress (opens in a new tab) is the function we call to specify the World's address.

    // Table metainformation (field names)
    string[] memory keyNames = Systems.getKeyNames();
    string[] memory valueNames = Systems.getFieldNames();

These functions give us the names of the key fields and value field.

    // Read information about the :AccessManagement System
    ResourceId accessManagementSystem = WorldResourceIdLib.encode(
      RESOURCE_SYSTEM,     // System
      "",                  // Root namespace
      "AccessManagement"   // Called AccessManagement

Here we create the resource ID for the table whose information we want.

    (address systemAddress, bool publicAccess) = Systems.get(accessManagementSystem);

And actually read the information.

Writing to table

This code is taken from the React template (opens in a new tab). Note that only authorized addresses are allowed to write directly to a table.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.24;
import { Script } from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
import { StoreSwitch } from "@latticexyz/store/src/StoreSwitch.sol";
import { IWorld } from "../src/codegen/world/IWorld.sol";
import { Tasks, TasksData } from "../src/codegen/index.sol";
contract PostDeploy is Script {
  function run(address worldAddress) external {
    // Specify a store so that you can use tables directly in PostDeploy
    // Load the private key from the `PRIVATE_KEY` environment variable (in .env)
    uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
    // Start broadcasting transactions from the deployer account
    // We can set table records directly
    Tasks.set("1", TasksData({ description: "Walk the dog", createdAt: block.timestamp, completedAt: 0 }));
    // Or we can call our own systems
    IWorld(worldAddress).addTask("Take out the trash");
    bytes32 key = IWorld(worldAddress).addTask("Do the dishes");
import { StoreSwitch } from "@latticexyz/store/src/StoreSwitch.sol";

We need the StoreSwitch library (opens in a new tab) library to specify the address of the World with the data.

import { Tasks, TasksData } from "../src/codegen/index.sol";

It is easiest if we import the definitions of the table that were generated using mud tablegen.

contract PostDeploy is Script {
  function run(address worldAddress) external {
    // Specify a store so that you can use tables directly in PostDeploy

StoreSwitch.setStoreAddress (opens in a new tab) is the function we call to specify the World's address.

    // Start broadcasting transactions from the deployer account

.set changes the state of the blockchain, so it requires an address. This address is necessary for two reasons:

    // We can set table records directly
    Tasks.set("1", TasksData({ description: "Walk the dog", createdAt: block.timestamp, completedAt: 0 }));

Create a new TasksData and set that value with the key "1" (in hex the key is 0x310...0).


Stop broadcasting transactions as the authorized address.